How to tip/contact you?

By email

You can send me a PGP encrypted email to

using my PGP key PGP encryption key

Using a secured form (see below)

I have gone to great lengths to ensure your submissions are kept safe. All materials are encrypted while they are transmitted to me, and they remain encrypted on my server. Submissions can only be accessed by me.

I also recommend that you use Tor project (bundle) to add an extra layer of security. Tor is "anonymizing" software: It makes it more difficult to trace your internet activities. (Note that the previous link might be blocked in some countries, so you may have to search for a mirror site that's accessible from your location.)

I recognize that - despite the best technology - you are taking a risk by submitting materials, particularly if you are living in countries where such disclosures are not protected by law. I will ensure that the identities of my sources are protected and that submissions are scrubbed of sensitive information - like the "metadata" - that contains authoring information.

Contact me

Authorized Extensions are: bmp, doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, gif, gz, odt, pdf, png, txt, xls, xlsx, zip, rar, gz, gzip.
Maximum file size authorized: 100 Mio.